Menstrual Pain Relief in a Cup: The Benefits of Guava, Orange and Prekese

Menstrual Pain Relief in a Cup: The Benefits of Guava, Orange and Prekese

Written by: Annette Delali Egbenya, Poka Library Contributor
Edited by: Adel Tipora, Creative Strategist, Poka

Every single woman dreads that time of the month. The constant cramps, sleepless nights, and mood swings can be overwhelming. Our menstrual cycles can often alter and transform our lives for the worse but this doesn’t have to be the case. 

Over the years, several remedies have been introduced to alleviate the symptoms many women face throughout their menstrual cycle. In particular, teas formulated with ingredients that have been proven to be effective in managing menstrual health symptoms have become popular. 

Yaye’s Wellbeing Tea, for example, contains a special blend of ingredients that can help you manage your menstrual symptoms and improve your reproductive health. In this article, we’ll dive into the menstrual health benefits of the three main ingredients in Yaye’s Wellbeing Tea: Guava, Orange [peels] and Prekese.

Guava is rich in vitamin C, strengthens blood vessels and helps reduce excessive menstrual bleeding. Its high potassium content balances electrolytes in the body, reducing bloating, a common symptom of menstruation. Apart from managing menstrual symptoms, guava helps manage blood pressure and reduces the chance of gestational diabetes due to its low glycemic index.

Oranges are high in flavonoids and possess strong antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress which has been linked to issues like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Oranges are also commonly known for being a potent source of vitamin C which is required for collagen production. Collagen is needed to protect the integrity of the skin and connective tissues in the reproductive system. Orange peels also contain limonene, which also tends to possess anti-inflammatory effects. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the anti-inflammatory effects of limonene can aid in treating conditions such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The oranges in Yaye’s Wellbeing Tea not only enhance its flavor but also provide a powerful natural remedy for supporting reproductive health and alleviating menstrual symptoms.

Prekese, also known as Aidan fruit, is an indigenous fruit, commonly used as a spice in traditional African delicacies. It has been proven to improve hormonal balance due to the presence of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that mimic estrogen in the body, helping to treat hormonal imbalances associated with menstruation. Its high mineral content, including iron and calcium, aids in postpartum recovery. Additionally, its flavonoids and alkaloids alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and relaxing uterine muscles.

The unique blend of potent ingredients in Yaye’s Wellbeing Tea makes it an exceptional choice for alleviating menstrual symptoms and improving reproductive health. When incorporated consistently into a woman’s diet, these essential ingredients can act as an antidote to the myriad of menstrual symptoms women contend with during their menstrual cycle. 

Try Yaye’s Wellbeing Tea today for more manageable menstrual symptoms and improved reproductive health.



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